Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Orphans- who will care for them?
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The war in northern Uganda created so many untold suffering to the people in the north and north-east of the country. One of the most serious effects of this war is the loss of men and women who had children to bring up Many people were either killed by the waring factions or died of the dreaded AIDS disease. The result of result of these two, has given rise to : child headed families and orphans without substantial persons to look after them.

A good many of us wonder how these children will fend for themselves once they are out of the camps where there was at least relief supplies. One may wonder whether there were no orphans in the north before the war. True we had some orphans but of a manageable number. 
jennet lost her father to the war and mother to AIDS

Some NGO's have been endevouring to help these needy children but how long they will continue is not known. What these orphans need are:
  1. food
  2. shelter
  3. educational needs
  4. psycho-social support and
  5. clothing

It our hope that the local leaders and elders will help these children to settle in the land once owned by their parents. If they don't, then these children will have nowhere to go to.

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