besides keeping cattle also does some other activities for a living. This keeps the farmer unskilled throughout his life. As this 38-year-old gentleman does have his full attention on the animals, the output he gets is minimal--- just for survival and not thriving. Supposing a farmer like this were mentored, he would realize that he would need to do the followings:
- check on the genetics and breed of his animals
- decide whether to keep the animals for beef or milk
- endeavour to maintain high quality by maintaining good health, good feeding and housing
- get advise and help from a veterinary worker
- inadequate capital
- lack of skilled labour force-- he works alone or is helped by his family members
- poor storage facilities for the milk produce
- poor marketing-- he rarely has enough milk to sell and slaughters his animals only when he is in a financial crisis.
to this
Instead of good modern breeds of beef cattle
he still has low yield traditional African Zebu bull